To help our men and women who dedicate their lives to serve their country find everlasting love and happiness.

To create the best website and app. In addition, with the use of Mahaton Place™ our mother site; all to help aid in navigating through countless possibilities of potential future lovers, partners, and or date connections.

To reduce the divorce rate while, at the same time; helping singled, divorced, widowed, and those new to the dating world find long lasting peace of mind, satisfaction, and cheerfulness.

Increase gross revenue 25%
Increase customer base 10%

Reach out to potential customers throughout all social media platforms, magazines, TV, local cities, counties, and newspapers.
• Increased customer based by 50%.
• Maintaining a professional and easy to use website.
• Find well qualified staff or employees.
• Raise 100% of the needed funds.
• Find a nice work environment.


• Establish an exclusive website and app that will cater to all military, LEO, and those not wearing civilian clothes.
• Introduce a new and never before seen and experienced hybrid dating social media technology platform™.

Pricing is based off of other unsatisfactory dating and social media websites or platforms.
• Introduce many discounts to compete with competitors.
• Decrease prices depending on the frequency of demand.

Announce a groundbreaking world’s first military, LEO, and non civilian clothes membership platform only; in combination with our parent company Mahaton Place™ for additional benefits.
• Plan and design a website and app that will compete and then dominate the dating social media networking tech marketplace.

Include call-to-action in all marketing communications and collect names into a database.
• Include sales of all three websites and apps in the local and national media guides.
• Institute a database communication program that ensures meaningful and progressive prospect contact every two weeks.

Define why you are in business?

1. I want the men and women in all uniforms to have a safe free outlet to talk about their success or failures without being judged and criticized by their potential love interests.
2. I want current and perspective employees to think and understand that my business will be the first website to provide a dating platform for the hard and overworked people in uniform. I want to reduce their dating failure rate by matching them with the best option available.

When people hear our name; what images do you think come into their mind?

We want current and future members in uniforms to speak and brag; if necessary on our platform. They should leave with the feeling of being safe and non threatened. With this new age in our society our men and women are going through a rough time in their professional life.

Pinpoint the advantages you want people to associate with your business.
• User friendly
• Affordable
• Impeccable service
• Outstanding leadership
• Handsome app
• Professional website
• Reliable customer service
• Prompt response

The 1st of its kind dating platform, website and app for men and women in all genres wearing uniforms.

Men and women 18 and over serving in the military, other LEO positions, none military and none LEOs wearing none civilian attire that work throughout the world.

Founder, Owner, CEO

Vehicles, rent and or mortgage, office supplies, marketing and advertising, boats and planes for travel, clothing, food, business cards, computers, promotional items (hats, pens, cups), eBook and eNewsletter material.

What does your business offer that your customers will have a hard or impossible time finding elsewhere?

Our men and women in all uniforms do a lot of traveling and training which leaves very little time to go out and meet that special person. So, I designed a website that will cater just to them. My company is offering Only Uniforms™ and the All New Mahaton Place™ benefits that would make it impossible to find a business like mind anywhere else in the world. Uniform people have a hard time being themselves on all other websites and with none military, none LEO, and other civilians making it difficult for past users to feel safe and secure most websites. Our website will show and give love to our patriots that are located throughout the world.

Is there a unique offering something that consumer’s really want?

The majority of people don’t know what they want until they see it. What the addition to my parent company; Mahaton Place™, I’m giving the dating world a much needed twist and makeover. Is your offering compatible with economic and market trends?
Yes, this company will be available through online websites and apps. Our website will be available on all PC’s, phones, and tablets. It is also a favorable market trend.

With which business do you compete in? How are you different and better?
Only Uniforms™ would be competing against e-harmony, match, zoosk, pof, tinder, christian mingle, facebook; amongst many others smaller companies. This company will focus mainly on people in uniforms with the help of Mahaton Place™.

1. The purpose of our marketing communication is to convince military, LEO, none civilian members that it’s never too early or too late to find true love. Also, that our products are effective, honest, and straight to the point type of website and app on the market.
2. This company will prove the claim by providing a professional website to go along with our parent company Mahaton Place™; in order to reduce the likelihood of failure.
3. The mood and tone of this company communication will be very professional and fair to everyone involved.